Featured Packages

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Light Deal

$35 per month or $410 per year

This Just allows you to Encode on the Servers Provided. You get to decide: Port Number, Mount Points, Sub-Domains, Can be Expanded To Include Other Packages. Other Things: 320kpbs Sound Quality, 500 Listeners, Relayers Accepted, Community Radio Directory, NO SSL/REQUESTER! Almost 99% Uptime!

Medium Deal

$70 per month or $820 per year

This has all the previous tier which is Light Package, BUT including Requester & Admin Page plus offering the support of Updates for DJ Requester. We also offer you exclusive links to kick and ban DJs from your stream! Requester will also have a customized theme depending on your website!

Heavy Duty Deal

$135 per month or $1,540 per year

This allows Both the Previous Tier AND the light tier Packages! Plus including certain abilities including A FREE DOMAIN for a YEAR*. Server Priority So IF We're Doing ANY Updates To Servers Your Server Will Automatically Be Forwarded To Another Server.

Coming Soon: Video Streaming To This Site Will Be Available To Everyone Regardless Of Package!

Please Note: All Currency is in USD!

About Us

We Are A Community Streaming Platform Where You Can Stream Your Music Directly To Our Servers Located In Europe! Some Of Our Servers Will Be Brought Up In Canada! You're Desired Location Will Depend On Server Location, And Your Request Will Be Handled By One Of Our Staff Members! Automatically Will Be On Our Own Directory Of Very Easy Going Website! Please Visit Directory Here For More Information On Our Directory!

Happy Clients

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We're Happily Waiting For Your Request To Include Yourself Into Our Family Of Broadcast Urself!